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Health matters to all of us, but people tend to think about it in narrow, stigmatizing, and fatalistic ways. Framing can help widen the lens.

Too often, factors and circumstances that shape our health are devalued or ignored. The public, elected officials, and some health providers tend to focus narrowly on lifestyles and behaviors.

Language can entrench and spread misconceptions—or it can unlock alternative ideas and perspectives.

Explore these studies to find frames that help explain the social determinants of health and health equity.

Showing 97 – 108 of 142

Frame Testing Recommendations

Talking About Addiction

This strategic guide synthesizes the implications of studies into how people think about addiction.


People, Polar Bears, and the Potato Salad: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Environmental Health

People don't know the term 'environmental health' - and think it must have something to do with keeping our planet clean and green. How can we reframe?


Can Redirecting Values Increase Support for Addiction Policies and Related Issues

This report summarizes the findings of a quantitative experiment that tested thousands of Canadians attitudes and support for policies when exposed to values.


Talking About Children’s Oral Health

Using these templates to build communications can help engage the public in understanding children’s oral health in a deeper way, thereby improving the public conversation and decision-making...


Communicating About Disparities in Children’s Oral Health

The disparities in oral health by economic status and race are important, and deserve the full attention of advocates. If this information isn’t communicated carefully, this can lead to...


How to Talk About Children’s Mental Health: A FrameWorks MessageMemo

This MessageMemo provides advocates with a communications map for improving the public's understanding of children's mental health and the value of solutions.


Talking About Children’s Mental Health

Included in this toolkit are applications materials, based on the research findings, that can help engage the public in understanding children’s mental health, thereby improving the public...


Refining the Options for Advancing Support for Child Mental Health Policies

This report tests the impact of frame elements, specifically interdependence and prevention, on support for progressive children's mental health policies.


The Power of Levelness: Making Child Mental Health Visible and Concrete Through a Simplifying Model

This report presents "Levelness" as an explanatory metaphor that helps people understand early child mental health. It helps people understand that young children have mental health, what promotes...


Moving North: Translating Child Mental Health Values and Models to Canada

This paper presents the results of a survey conducted in Alberta that demonstrates the impact of values on policy support related to children's issues.


Between Cowboys and Barn Raisers: The Challenges of Explaining Child Mental Health and Development in Alberta

This research demonstrates the power of dominant and unproductive understandings of early childhood development and child mental health among Albertans.


Rounding Up the Associations: How Perceptions of Addiction are Recruited

This report maps the gaps between how Albertans think and experts talk about the science of addiction.