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Health matters to all of us, but people tend to think about it in narrow, stigmatizing, and fatalistic ways. Framing can help widen the lens.

Too often, factors and circumstances that shape our health are devalued or ignored. The public, elected officials, and some health providers tend to focus narrowly on lifestyles and behaviors.

Language can entrench and spread misconceptions—or it can unlock alternative ideas and perspectives.

Explore these studies to find frames that help explain the social determinants of health and health equity.

Showing 73 – 84 of 142


A Brief Intro to Reframing Child Mental Health

Just want the gist? Try this article. It’s also ideal for sharing with colleagues you want to introduce to this work.


Framing Change: The System of Mental Healthcare in Germany

This Core Story creates narratives that help people think in new ways about prevention-based strategies to improving mental health outcomes in Germany.


We Need a Ground Crew for Environmental Health Working Upstream: Using Explanatory Metaphors to Improve Public Understanding of Environmental Health and its Workforce

People believe we should live free from health threats in their environments - but lack ways to think about the work that takes. Two metaphors can help.


Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Using Metaphorical and Causal Explanation to Increase Public Understanding of Climate and Ocean Change

How can we help people understand the science that connects climate change to extreme weather - and to human health? New, tested metaphors can help.


Talking Environmental Health: A FrameWorks MessageMemo

How can we frame environmental health in ways that build support for the infrastructure and funding it takes to do the work? This MessageMemo offers a strategy.

Frame Testing Recommendations

Viewpoint: Q&A with FrameWorks CEO Nathaniel Kendall-Taylor, PhD

What challenges do advocates face when communicating about substance abuse prevention, and how can they overcome these challenges?


Stuck in a Tale of Two Cities: Mapping the Gaps on Child Development and Well-Being in Jacksonville

This report maps the gaps between how experts talk and Jacksonville residents think about child development, well-being, and child rights.


Dials and Rivers: Using Explanatory Metaphors to Expand Understanding of Addiction and Its Treatment

This report summarizes the findings of research to develop and test Explanatory Metaphors for their ability to expand thinking on the science of addiction.


Building a Strong Frame

When we skip over deeper explanation of how a problem comes to be, we miss opportunities to build lasting public understanding.


Social Media Messages

Use these customizable, shareable social media messages to amplify your advocacy for policies that increase vaccine access and uptake.


Adjusting to Your Audience

Here are some special considerations for communications aimed at people who express skepticism about vaccines but may still be open to listening.


Responding to Vaccine Deniers in Public

Different strategies and techniques are required for conversation with a vocal vaccine denier in front of a public audience.