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Health matters to all of us, but people tend to think about it in narrow, stigmatizing, and fatalistic ways. Framing can help widen the lens.

Too often, factors and circumstances that shape our health are devalued or ignored. The public, elected officials, and some health providers tend to focus narrowly on lifestyles and behaviors.

Language can entrench and spread misconceptions—or it can unlock alternative ideas and perspectives.

Explore these studies to find frames that help explain the social determinants of health and health equity.

Showing 25 – 36 of 142


Building Family Confidence in the COVID-19 Vaccine

If you are a school nurse, school health services coordinator, or anyone else who talks with families about COVID-19 vaccines, you’ve found your way to the right place.  This toolkit offers...


Framing Guidance: Equitable Physical Activity

This resource contains a set of framing recommendations for voices in the physical activity sector to shift dynamics and move toward a more fair and just society where everyone has access to...

Frame Testing Recommendations

How to Share the NASEM Report, The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality, with Public Audiences

Evidence-based framing guidance for talking about nursing home care


Communicating About Nursing Home Care: Findings and Emerging Recommendations

Finding a New Nursing Home Narrative


A matter of life and death: explaining the wider determinants of health in the UK

In the public and political debate about how to improve health in the UK, the wider determinants are often left out or misunderstood. In partnership with the Health Foundation, we examined how...


A matter of life and death: explaining the wider determinants of health in the UK supplement on research methods and evidence

Frame Testing Recommendations

Framing Guidance: How to Communicate about Transgender Youth

Six strategies for communicating effectively about transgender youth.


Communicating About Childhood Obesity at the Time of COVID

Building on our initial research on childhood obesity in 2018, this report explores how public thinking on childhood obesity has evolved in the context of the pandemic. In partnership with Impact...


How Are Children’s Issues Portrayed in the News? A Media Content Analysis

What is the role of the news media in influencing public thinking about children’s issues? And how can recognizing these media frames help us build engagement and increase support for the...


Public Thinking About Care Work in a Time of Social Upheaval: Findings from Year One of the Culture Change Project

To what extent is this unprecedented pandemic shifting thinking about care work? The FrameWorks Institute is exploring this question as part of our empirical study on culture change during a time...


Communicating About Vaccination in the United States: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief

A research partnership between the FrameWorks Institute and the American Academy of Pediatrics to understand attitudes and behaviors about vaccination and identify framing strategies that can...


Research Supplement for “Communicating About Vaccination in the United States”

This supplement provides detailed information on the research informing FrameWorks’ strategic brief on reframing vaccination in the United States. We outline the research conducted with...