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External article

Reframing Issues in the Digital Age: Using Social Media Strategically

Julie Sweetland, FrameWorks’ vice president for strategy and innovation, and Rob Shore, explain how to use “clicks,” “views,” and “likes” to tell a story that helps people understand...

Journal article

Space to think: Using metaphor to expand public thinking about criminal justice reform

Nat Kendall-Taylor, Abigail Haydon

(2014, August 28). Space to think: Using metaphor to expand public thinking about criminal justice reform. Studies in Media and Communication, 2(2), 13-23.


The Potency of Potential: Values to Bring Jacksonville Together to Support Children

In Jacksonville, FL, people think of children's issues as a private concern. Leading with human potential or civic potential helps drive a policy conversation.


Framing Change: The System of Mental Healthcare in Germany

This Core Story creates narratives that help people think in new ways about prevention-based strategies to improving mental health outcomes in Germany.


Finding the Southern Cross: A FrameWorks MessageMemo for the Centre for Community Child Health

This MessageMemo provides a communications map for improving the Australian public’s understanding of early child development and their support for solutions.


Talkin’‘Bout My Generation: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Demographic Change in the U.S.

This report compares expert views with those of average Americans, revealing many of the cultural models that dominate thinking about demographic change.


Representations of Early Childhood and Urban Violence in Brazilian Media (Portuguese)

This report examines the messages embedded in the media’s presentation of issues related to early child development and urban violence in Brazilian newspapers.


Talking Justice Reform and Public Safety: A FrameWorks Message Memo

This MessageMemo outlines framing strategies that prompt people to rethink deterrence– and consider alternatives to punishment.


Getting to “We”: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Immigration and Immigration Reform

This report lays the groundwork for a larger effort to reframe the public debate on immigration and immigration reform.

Toolkit File

Sample Blog Post (Child Development in the UK)

Blog posts provide an opportunity to influence public discourse by introducing a reframed perspective to the online community.

Toolkit File

Sample Tweets (Child Development in the UK)

Even micro-messages can be opportunities to frame your communications more effectively.

Toolkit File

Sample Editorials (STEM)

These materials apply the tested frame elements to external communications opportunities such as editorials, social media updates, and program descriptions.