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Nine Nonprofits Awarded for Exceptional Creativity and Effectiveness

This release announces the news that the FrameWorks Institute was selected by the MacArthur Foundation as one of nine nonprofit organizations named a Creative& Effective Institution in 2015. The...


Talking Human Services: A FrameWorks MessageMemo

This study details an investigation into how communicators can reframe human services to fundamentally reshape public understanding of the sector’s work.

Toolkit File

What’s in the Swamp of Human Services?

Visual summary of relevant findings from cultural models research.

Toolkit File

Quick Start Guide (Human Services)

Framing is a process of making choices about what to emphasize—and what to leave unsaid. Here's a quick tour of themes to avoid, compared with alternatives to advance.

Toolkit File

Value Card: Human Potential

Why does it matter? What's at stake?

Toolkit File

Metaphor Card: Construction

A metaphor for the many different ways human services promote well-being.

Toolkit File

Talking Points

The following talking points can be used flexibly—as a source of themes for longer written pieces, as short responses in media interviews or public appearances, or as set-ups to “pre-frame”...

Toolkit File

FAQs (Human Services)

Stay on message in the face of tough questions.

Toolkit File

Sample Legislative Testimony

This sample testimony for a typical budget hearing makes use of several reframing strategies. Instead of relying only on Numbers to make the case—merely offering information about how fat...

Toolkit File

You Say, They Think (Human Services)

Anticipate how messages go astray—and how to keep them on track.

Toolkit File

Sample Editorial (Human Services)

This opinion piece models a way to advocate for very specific policy goals using the framing strategies recommended for the human services field. By using the Constructing Well-Being Narrative...

Journal article

Using metaphor to translate the science of resilience and developmental outcomes

Nat Kendall-Taylor, Abigail Haydon

(2014, December 30). Using metaphor to translate the science of resilience and developmental outcomes. Public Understanding of Science, 25(5), 576-587.