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Framing and Policy Making

Policymaking is traditionally depicted as a process that unfolds in neat, predictable stages. First the issue is placed on the agenda and the problem is defined. Next, the legislative branches of...


A New Story About Homelessness In The United Kingdom

Homelessness can affect a range of people, with disadvantaged groups at greater risk. Yet most people think it is the inevitable result of poor life choices.

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Highlighting Shared Humanity and Prosperity to Advance Immigration Solutions

To build support for progressive immigration reform in the United States, advocates must turn away from “us versus them” framing, and toward language that emphasizes shared humanity,...


New Resources Lay Out Strategy To Reframe Adolescent Substance Use

The FrameWorks Institute developed two new reframing resources to change misperceptions about adolescent drug and alcohol use.


Reframing Homelessness in the United Kingdom

This report lays out an overarching framing strategy to help advocates in the U.K. expand public understanding of homelessness.


New Research Provides Full Strategy for Reframing Poverty in the United Kingdom

New research helps advocates understand how the British public thinks about poverty.

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Creating Affordable Housing Opportunities Means Talking Equity

To attain affordable housing for all, we must build public support by shifting narratives away from consumer choice and personal responsibility.


Making A Stronger Case For Bridging STEM Learning

A new report compares expert and public thinking about bridging STEM learning and offers advocates strategic advice to overcome challenges in public thinking.

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Reframing Sexual Violence: From #MeToo to Time’s Up

In the shift from #MeToo to Time’s Up, movement leaders are strategically framing sexual violence as a social and cultural problem, rather than an individual problem. Doing so helps people think...

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Framing for Social Change

How we frame social issues profoundly influences our understanding of them, and how we think and talk about solutions.


How to Talk about Poverty in the United Kingdom

This MessageMemo provides campaigners the evidence and tools needed to make a more powerful case for change.

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You Say You Want a Revolution? How We Might Think about Guns and Social Movements

What are the key ingredients that those building today’s movements should consider as they go about the hard work of mobilization? Drawing on framing and social movement literatures, FrameWorks...