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Toolkit File

Talking Points

A reminder of the key elements of the community health frame for use in preparation for media interviews, editorial board visits, or other public communications.

Toolkit File


Common questions about nutrition and physical activity, with examples of effective and less-effective responses to each question.

Toolkit File

Sample Editorial

An example of how to apply the framing strategies on community health to the format of a guest editorial in a newspaper.

Toolkit File

Sample Letter to the Editor (Community Health)

A template for applying framing strategies to a Letter to the Editor format.

Toolkit File

Sample Speech (Community Health)

An example of how to apply the framing strategies in the format of a public address.

Toolkit File

What’s in the swamp of Community Health?

A graphic representation of the swamp of dominant patterns of thinking about community health. This can serve as a reminder of the themes in public thinking that your communications should avoid.

Toolkit File

You Say…They Think

An analysis of a series of frame clashes, or what happens when you say one thing about health, but the public thinks another.

Frame Testing Recommendations

How to Talk About Food, Fitness, and Community Health

This Message Brief distills strategies for framing issues like obesity, fitness, and nutrition from a social determinants of health perspective.

Toolkit File

Basic Message Template

The outline of a new frame for communicating about community health. The talking points, FAQs, and Sample Op-Ed in this toolkit show a variety of ways to apply this basic template.

Toolkit File

Using the Values, Domains, and Models Memory Aid

An overview of the most effective frame elements and how to use them in combination.


Telling the Science Story: An Exploration of Frame Effects on Public Understanding and Support For Early Child Development

This experimental study examines the impact of five key features of the Core Story of Early Childhood Development on public attitudes and policy preferences.


Discussing Public Environments in the Community: A Focus Group Report about Nutrition and Physical Activity

This report recounts findings from focus groups conducted for the FrameWorks Institute as part of a multi-method investigation into how Americans think about community and societal determinants of...