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Gail Manza, Ph.D.


Marisa Gerstein Pineau, Ph.D.

Director of Research Application


Tim Phillips


Andrew Volmert, Ph.D.

Senior Vice President of Research


Five Questions about Framing

1. What is Framing? Framing is about the choices we make in what we say, how we say it, what we emphasize, and what we leave unsaid, and how these choices shape how people think, feel, and...


Don’t Feed Fatalism…Put Forward Solutions Instead

Most advocates say their top communications priority is to motivate the public to get involved in solving a pressing social problem. Given this goal, it is remarkable how much social change...


FrameWorks Institute’s statement on the Uprisings of Spring 2020

As we mourn the loss of George Floyd and countless others who lives were cut short by racism and violence, we reaffirm our commitment to dismantling the systems that allow inequity and injustice...


FrameWorks Institute’s statement on the Uprisings of Spring 2020

Our country is facing a moment of reckoning. Like so many others, we mourn the loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless individuals before them who have had their...


Framing Crime and Justice in the COVID Context

Incarceration Nations Network invited FrameWorks to share strategies on how we can effectively communicate to the public about the need to reform the criminal justice system in the context of the...


Communicating about Peace and Peacebuilding: Challenges, Opportunities, and Emerging Recommendations

Peace is widely recognized to be good, and yet peacebuilding stands at the periphery of our politics. This brief unpacks this seeming paradox, summarizing key findings from research on public...


Communicating about Peace and Peacebuilding: Research Methods and Sample Composition

This supplement provides detailed information on the research that informs FrameWorks’ strategic brief on peace and peacebuilding.


Framing Early Childhood in the Pandemic

Convened by the Penn State National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives, this presentation offers strategies for effectively communicating the science of early childhood development in...