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Building Strong Brains in Tennessee

This impact brief traces the way that reframing has catalyzed better outcomes for children and families in Tennessee.

Toolkit File

The Core Story of Adolescence

We should use this Core Story as often as possible in all public facing materials. It includes all of the well-framed information people need to understand, to support and even to demand policies...


Reframing Poverty

Public understandings of poverty are shaped by a set of overarching narratives. Understanding these narratives is the first step in countering them. This presentation describes the dominant...

Toolkit File

Discovery Metaphor Card

During adolescence, we explore the world around us, mapping out the terrain so we can find our path to adulthood. This is a time of trial and error as we pursue new experiences and different ways...

Toolkit File

What to Do

What the public thinks and what to do about it.

Toolkit File

Six Strategies for Talking about Adolescent Development

This resource outlines six strategies for effectively communicating about adolescent development.

Toolkit File

Sample Slides

Download these slides and use them in your presentations.

Toolkit File

Do’s and Don’ts

See the Do’s and Don’ts for guidance on how to navigate around unhelpful assumptions and mindsets.


Unlocking Change: The Power of Frames to Shift Thinking

Negative narratives about young people are swirling and becoming more dominant in the current context of Covid and protests for racial justice. We need both to understand these narratives and to...


Change Our Story, Change the World (2)

A final workshop for the team at PPR.

Journal article

When It Comes to Older Adults, Language Matters and Is Changing: American Geriatrics Society Update on Reframing Aging Style Changes

Daniel Busso

(2020, September 30). When It Comes to Older Adults, Language Matters and Is Changing: American Geriatrics Society Update on Reframing Aging Style Changes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 00(00), 1-3.


Framing Hub and Collaborative Goals

Part 4 of our four-part series closed with a facilitated discussion to help participants identify goals and next steps for the Framing Hub and the broader Yale-Scholastic Collaborative.