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Toolkit File

FAQs (Oral Health)

This resource demonstrates how to ensure answers to frequently asked questions are well framed and grounded in evidence. It also shows how to avoid messages that might backfire.

Toolkit File

Reframe Cards

These downloadable cards summarize recommended framing tools such as values and metaphors. Keep them on your desk—and use them to remember which frames to use and why.

Toolkit File

Annotated Talking Points

These talking points model how to stay on frame during interviews and speaking engagements.

Toolkit File

Elevator Speeches (Oral Health)

These brief remarks model how to frame who you are and what you do in a minute or two.

Toolkit File

Legislative Testimony

This sample testimony shows how to incorporate various frame elements in a long speech that makes a case for reform.

Toolkit File

Letter to the Editor

This letter shows how to deliver a well-framed response to an article in the press.

Toolkit File

Social Media Posts

These sample posts show how to incorporate framing into Twitter and Facebook channels and in blog posts.

Toolkit File


These well-framed infographics are downloadable and ready-to-use.

Toolkit File

Strategic Framing Recommendations Guide

This overarching guide outlines the five strategic recommendations found in this toolkit and includes a summary sheet for quick and easy access to the concepts.

Toolkit File

Storytelling for Social Change

This tool shows advocates how to tell stories that “widen the lens” beyond individuals and show the systemic causes and consequences of poor oral health.

Toolkit File

Understanding Public Thinking About Oral Health

This “swamp glossary” resource explores the public’s deeply held attitudes and beliefs about oral health. It also shows how to cue more productive thinking and points to the deeper...

Toolkit File

Telling a Complete Story (Jacksonville)

Use storytelling as a resource to build public understanding about development and how it may be best supported.