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External article

Philanthropy’s Ripple Effect: When Funders Seed a Field

When we celebrate the momentum toward universal access to Pre-K, we need to remember that this too has been the result of years of advocacy and hard work.


Reframing Hunger in America

How can we elevate public understanding that hunger in America is widespread – and not just a personal failing?

External article

Entering Climate Change Communications Through the Side Door

Advocates can make progress on polarized issues by finding new ways into engaging people in different perspectives, rather than trying to knock down the front door with a barrage of facts.


Reframing Adolescent Substance Use and its Prevention: A Communications Playbook

Welcome to the Reframing Adolescent Substance Use and Its Prevention playbook, a step-by-step guide to using evidence-based framing strategies to communicate about adolescent substance use.

External article

What Rural America Can Teach Us About Civil Society

Studies by the Frameworks Institute have shown that most non-rural dwellers perceive rural America as either one large, poorly educated and impoverished backwater (a rural dystopia as in the film...


Afterschool STEM Hub

Here, advocates for high-quality after school learning in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) will discover the most effective ways to make the case for expanding and supporting...

External article

Reframing America’s Opioid Epidemic to Find Solutions

Framing the opioid epidemic as a crisis and an individual problem obscures the power of prevention and society’s role in promoting it.


Strategies for Drawing on the Voices of Women Veterans to Communicate about Mental Health

This Message Brief makes recommendations about how to frame women veterans’ mental health on online materials and in communications campaign collateral.

Frame Testing Recommendations

Piecing It Together: A Communications Playbook for Affordable Housing Advocates

How can we lead more productive public conversations about inclusive housing policy, community development, and affordable housing? This playbook helps us reframe.


Framing Advocacy on Fines and Fees Reform

This Frame Brief offers justice reform advocates guidance on framing the issue of monetary sanctions for the public.


Finding a Frame for Affordable Housing

Findings from reframing research on affordable housing and community development.

External article

Highlighting Shared Humanity and Prosperity to Advance Immigration Solutions

To build support for progressive immigration reform in the United States, advocates must turn away from “us versus them” framing, and toward language that emphasizes shared humanity,...