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Finding and Moving a Prevention Narrative

Framing ideas of prevention is a challenging task, but framing ideas of substance use prevention is doubly hard. Communicators not only need to be attentive to and frame around mindsets that shape...


Communicating About Childhood Obesity at the Time of COVID

Building on our initial research on childhood obesity in 2018, this report explores how public thinking on childhood obesity has evolved in the context of the pandemic. In partnership with Impact...


Evidence-Based Strategies for More Effective Communications – Part II Widen The Lens

2nd session of three-part series to tune up and refresh those who have been framing for a while and to train up new team members at Impact Alamance and Alamance Achieves


Climate Risk Communications

How can climate risk communicators learn from cutting-edge research and practice to move their message forward? This panel discussion brings together a wide range of voices working on climate...


Carinne Wheedan

Director of Communications

External article

Increasing Vaccinations Requires Understanding How Culture Shapes Thinking

From the coast of Kenya to the American heartland, cultural mindsets influence our decisions and behaviors. Always.


Evidence-Based Strategies for More Effective Communications – Part I Advance the Affirmative Case

A three-part series to tune up and refresh those who have been framing for a while and to train up new team members at Impact Alamance and Alamance Achieves

Frame Testing Recommendations

Fast Frames – Episode 2

Framing data

Frame Testing Recommendations

Fast Frames – Episode 3

Alternatives to vulnerability framing

Frame Testing Recommendations

Fast Frames – Episode 4

Use visuals to spark big-picture thinking

Frame Testing Recommendations

Fast Frames – Episode 5

How to tell more effective stories about the success of your work

Frame Testing Recommendations

Fast Frames – Introduction

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