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Moira O’Neil, Ph.D.

Senior Vice President of Research Interpretation


Beth Fisher

Director of Administration


Julie Sweetland, Ph.D.

Senior Advisor


Communicating about Peace and Peacebuilding: Research Methods and Sample Composition

This supplement provides detailed information on the research that informs FrameWorks’ strategic brief on peace and peacebuilding.

External article

Advocating for Age in an Age of Uncertainty: How the COVID-19 crisis is amplifying ageism, and how advocates can push back

It’s clear we need to change the way society thinks and talks about aging, and there’s great opportunity to do it now. In 2014, the FrameWorks Institute launched a study using theory and...

External article

Biased language paints an unfair picture of “old people” today

Narrow representations of older people don’t just misinform us. They bias us.


Building Relationships: Framing Early Relational Health

To build public support for change, we do not need a new term, we need to tell a new story—one that changes the dominant narrative from “relationships are nice to have” to “relationships...


Framing Adolescent Development During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Even during these uncertain times, it’s a sure thing that adolescents—young people between childhood and adulthood—are still developing biologically, socially, and emotionally. We can also...


Communicating about Climate Change in the time of COVID-19

As climate communicators, we have a long-standing, deep appreciation for a concept that the pandemic has brought into sharp relief: interconnection. This moment calls us to lift up our values,...

External article

Here’s How Nonprofits Can Get Americans to Fight the Racism Laid Bare by COVID-19

How can social-change communicators best promote conversations about race and racism in ways that help people understand, and get them to act and support solutions that advance equity? Here are...

External article

Here’s How Nonprofits Can Get Americans to Fight the Racism Laid Bare by Covid-19

Covid is turning up the heat on inequities that have simmered throughout the history of America.


Is Culture Changing in this Time of Social Upheaval?: Preliminary findings from Project Culture Change

Are the upheavals of 2020 shifting fundamental American cultural mindsets? If so, which mindsets are moving? And in what ways are they shifting?