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Framing Resource

Election Year Framing – Question 2

Is it true that people believe what’s repeated rather than what’s true?

Framing Resource

Election Year Framing – Question 3

How can I counteract the demonization and dismissal of certain groups?

Framing Resource

Election Year Framing – Question 4

How can I talk about democracy in a way people can connect with?

Framing Resource

Election Year Framing – Question 5

How can I help people see how policies affect the economy?

Framing Resource

Election Year Framing – Question 6

How do I frame my issue when public attention is on campaigns and candidates?

Framing Resource

Election Year Framing – Question 7

How do we remain hopeful and aspirational?


Five Trends in Public Thinking about Care Work

How we talk and think about care in the United States has significant bearing on how care is organized in our society—impacting families, communities, and the economy. If we are to continue to...


Is It Care, Or Is It Work?: Cultural Mindsets of Care Work in the United States

The future of care work is at a crossroads where new frames and narratives have huge potential to shift public thinking. During the COVID-19 pandemic, care was in the spotlight, and with that came...

External article

Beyond soundbites: issue framing in election season

The noise of a presidential election season makes it hard to avoid getting lost in the weeds of political rhetoric when communicating about the issues we work on. Right now, communicators must...


Connections and Communities: How we talk about Opportunity Youth

Everyone wants young people to thrive and be active and engaged members of their communities as they become adults. However, deeply rooted, often-negative assumptions about young people can make...


Framing for change: the social science of effective communication

Over the last 25 years FrameWorks has brought social scientists together to create a theory and practice of using empirical communications research to support those working for social change. This...

External article

Why the Parents’ Rights Movement (Still) Matters | Opinion

The parents' right rhetoric is powered, in part, by three distinct but inter-related cultural mindsets—implicit ways of understanding and making sense of the world.