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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 97 – 108 of 261


The State of Narrative Change: Lessons from an Rapidly Evolving Field

The field of narrative change is rapidly advancing and evolving. In this presentation, we review lessons that can be learned from the field's progress--and stumbling blocks--as a wide range of...


Framing: The Science of Effective Communication

The science of communication is a powerful tool in helping scientists take their findings out of the research community and influence public discussion and thinking. In this presentation, Nat...


Mobilizing and Implementing Frames for Change

Having a set of frames that work is only the very beginning of using frames for change. The hard stuff starts one we have ways of positioning issues that open minds and conversations. This...


Mobilizing and Implementing Frames for Change

Having a set of frames that work is only the very beginning of using frames for change. The hard stuff starts one we have ways of positioning issues that open minds and conversations. This...


Framing for Change: The Science of Better Communications

The choices that we make in how we communicate can be the difference between messages that cut through and move mindsets and those that get swallowed up or outright rejected. This presentation...


Framing: The Science of Effective Communication

The science of framing is a valuable tool in communicating science for social change. This presentation reviews some of the keyframing recommendations that can help open up productive...


Finding and Moving a Prevention Narrative

Framing ideas of prevention is a challenging task, but framing ideas of substance use prevention is doubly hard. Communicators not only need to be attentive to and frame around mindsets that shape...


Evidence-Based Strategies for More Effective Communications – Part II Widen The Lens

2nd session of three-part series to tune up and refresh those who have been framing for a while and to train up new team members at Impact Alamance and Alamance Achieves


Climate Risk Communications

How can climate risk communicators learn from cutting-edge research and practice to move their message forward? This panel discussion brings together a wide range of voices working on climate...


Evidence-Based Strategies for More Effective Communications – Part I Advance the Affirmative Case

A three-part series to tune up and refresh those who have been framing for a while and to train up new team members at Impact Alamance and Alamance Achieves


Using Attribution, Aspiration, and Explanation to Counteract Individualism and Otherism

Being attentive to framing and employing strategies to attribute responsibility, employ values, and advance explanation is part of creating powerful and persuasive prevention communications. In...


Combating Fatalism to Help People See Prevention is Possible

Fatalism is a pernicious cultural model that gets in the way of people's ability to see the power of prevention and support prevention-based policies. But there are a set of framing strategies...