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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 85 – 96 of 261


Culture Change Roundtable: Are Americans Thinking More Systemically?

Watch the first in our series of conversations with progressive leaders about the implications of shifting mindsets and their impacts on health equity, the economy, race, and politics.


Culture Wars and Common Ground Framing a way forward

Understanding the cultural mindsets that guide public thinking and discourse--and how these mindsets are changing--can help us get a better grasp on the causes of and solution to culture war...


Stories for what?

We all know that stories matter--they are powerful ways that human use to interpret, remember, and transmit information and ideas. We think in story and hearing and telling stories is enjoyable...


Culture Change and The Council

Findings from the Culture Change Project reveal opportunities and challenges for the National Scientific Council. This presentation reviews key findings from the Culture Change Project and...


Framing ECD to move hearts and minds

Over the twenty years that FrameWorks has worked on communicating principles from the science of ECD, research has revealed a set of framing recommendations. This presentation reviews these...


Framing for change: The Science of Science Communication

Framing is a key part of effective science communication. This presentation reviews three framing practices that can be used to more powerfully and effectively communicate the science of early...


Framing and change: Using Communications as a Tool for Social Change

Framing can be used to more effectively advance ideas and open the public discourse to new solutions. Social science research is at the core of effective framing--the question of how best to frame...


Framing for Change: The Science of Effective Communication

Framing can be the different between persuasive and engaging messages and those that fall flat or even backfire. This presentation reviews three core principles from the science of framing and how...


Framing for Change: The science of Effective Communication

The science of framing is a valuable tool for effective science communication. This presentation reviews six evidence-based practices that scientists can use to more effectively communicate their...


Why Aren’t Kids a Priority?

How can an understanding of cultural mindsets help us understand that we all love kids but never put them first when it comes to public policy? We hear present findings from a major new research...


Reframing Housing: The Science Behind Moving Hearts and Minds

The choices that housing advocates make in how they present information are vital to moving this issue onto and up the public agenda. This presentation reviews three evidence-based framing...


The science of effective communications: reframing the social determinants of health

Widening the lens beyond individual behaviors and lifestyles regarding how people think about health can be a challenge. But careful and proactive framing can help move and shift people's thinking...