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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 61 – 72 of 261


Reframing youth mental health

This presentation lays out three mindsets that challenge those communicating about youth mental health and working to build demand for policies that address this issue. We cover the ways...


Foster Youth Voice Month: Framing Futures

Presentation with the Selfless Love Foundation at the Child Welfare League's National Conference.


Reframing Equity and Assessment

Robust framing and narrative research requires that we start with a clear set of ideas that we are working to increase understand of and support for. This presentation goes through a set of...


Changing the Conversation about Adolescence

Half-day workshop for HopeLab staff


Is Culture Changing?

The Culture Change Project has been studying cultural mindsets for the last three years. The project looks at whether culture is changing and if so, how and for whom. One of the changes that we...


Understanding how culture is changing and what this means for grant makers

The Culture Change Project has been studying cultural mindsets for the last three years. The project looks at whether culture is changing and if so, how and for whom. One of the changes that we...


Framing Opportunity Youth

Presentation with representative on NYEC, Aspen Institute and Uncornered about communicating effectively about Opportunity Youth


Culture Change Project

The Culture Change Project looks empirically at whether and how culture is changing, for whom, and with what effects. Emerging trends provide strategic insight for organizations working towards...


Framing for Change

Those advocating for deep reform of our childcare system face a set of framing challenges--cultural mindsets that complicate the ability to advance ideas and generate broad support for necessary...


Strengthening Youth Mental Health

Cultural mindsets complicate efforts to increase awareness of, build understanding on, and boost support for the systems reforms necessary to better support positive mental health and resilience...


Framing for change: the science of effective communication

The way we frame, or position, our issues and information can be the difference between cutting through and opening up space for a productive conversation and shutting down thinking and...


Culture Change Roundtable: Is Social Division All In Our Heads?

New findings from the Culture Change Project show a particular mindset gaining ground in American culture—that social division is driven by the media and is largely a product of our own...