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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 49 – 60 of 261


The role of philanthropy in changing narratives and culture

Framing and narrative change are approaches that can add value to efforts to build social movements and create culture change. This presentation discusses the unique role that philanthropy plays...


Framing for change: mindsets that shape thinking about disability

The choices that we make in how we communicate tap into our cultural mindsets, pulling certain ways of thinking to foreground and pushing others to the background of our thinking. Understanding...


Framing for Change

The choices that we make in how we communicate tap into our cultural mindsets, pulling certain ways of thinking to foreground and pushing others to the background of our thinking. These...


Framing for Change

The choices we make in how we communicate about social issues can be the difference between cutting through and moving public thinking or message rejection. There are a set of proven framing...


Framing for Change: Mapping Public Mindsets on Disability

Mindsets are deep and implicit patterns of reasoning that shape how we see the world and act in it. This presentation digs into research conducted to identify the cultural mindsets that...


Talking the talk: building support for prevention

It is notoriously difficult to build public support for prevention-based policies. The science of framing can help us identify new strategies for improving understanding of the importance of...


Framing for Change

Synthesizing results from 20 years of research on framing education issues, this presentation provides 5 evidence-based practices that can be used to build public support for education...


Systems thinking and systems change

The cultural mindset of individualism is a barrier to systems change. The focus on individual willpower as the reason for social problems and more of it as the solution, keeps people from seeing...


Navigating misinformation: framing communications 
to build trust in science

How can we build trust in truth, facts, and scientific evidence so that we can create a hopeful future for all?


The power of social science to improve science communication

The science of framing has the potential to dramatically improve our practice of communicating about science and social issues. This talk explores five key findings from the science of...


Cultural mindsets and trust in government

FrameWorks Culture Change Project is producing a set of findings on public thinking on government that can be helpful to those trying to improve government responsiveness. This presentation...


Changing Narratives

How can we bring early childhood together with climate change to create frames that move both issues? There are a set of recommendations that can be used across both fields to advance a set of...