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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 37 – 48 of 261


Let’s get our words right: how to craft messages that drive child abuse prevention

Three cultural mindsets--deep and powerful understandings used to make sense of social issues--are blocking prevention efforts on child abuse and across a broader range of social issues....


The Science of Effective Communications

Transforming healthcare systems requires shifting mindsets and changing how people see the problems that need to be addressed and the potential of systemic solutions to solve them. Framing...


Using the science of framing to spot challenges and develop effective messages

Mindsets shape how we see the world and act in it. Moving and shifting them can help open up new ways of thinking about issues and allow people to engage with solutions in new...


Using narrative to shift mindsets and make change

Three dominant American cultural mindsets block progress on a wide range of progressive issues. Understanding these mindsets and how they are activated is key in developing strategies to counter...


Framing to Change Systems

Through various projects, FrameWorks is learning about how people think about systems and how communicators can build more robust understandings of the ways in which systems and structures...


Neither Soldiers Nor Angels: Reshaping The Narrative About Care Workers

Watch the recording from our Instagram live discussion on Care Work with Ai-Jen Poo (National Domestic Workers Alliance), Ishita Srivastava (Caring Across Generations), and Robert Espinoza (PHI)


Framing environmental adversity

There are a set of mindsets that challenge communication of the environmental factors that affect early childhood development. Knowing these mindsets and the frames that activate can help us...


Framing Early Childhood

Pulling on 25 years of framing research on early childhood, this presentation lays out a set of research-based strategies that communicators can use to effectively translate key ideas from the...


Is Culture Changing?

The Culture Change Project works to identify and track changes in major American cultural mindsets. The project is designed to inform the framing and narrative strategy of those working for...


Communicating when there is no Middle Ground

Public health faces a set of issues that have become so coded and loaded that it is increasingly difficult to navigate partisanship and polarization. But framing—the way we position our...


Communicating to improve outcomes for children and families

How can we frame issues of child and family wellbeing to build support for necessary solutions. This presentation reviews four evidence-based framing practices that can help shift mindsets and...


Framing for Change

Framing can help us build support for solutions by moving mindsets. This presentation reviews the core tenets of the science of framing and provides examples of how this science has been used as...