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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 25 – 36 of 261


Framing the effects of heat on early childhood development

Communicating the ways in which heat affects child development is complicated by a set of underlying cultural mindsets but can be facilitated by intentional framing practices. These practices can...


Framing: the science of effective communication

The choices that we make in how we say what we say can be the difference between our ideas getting through and increasing support for solutions, on the one hand, and message rejection...


Framing for Change: Using communications science to build policy demand

Pulling from a recent project designed to understand cultural mindsets and create effective framing strategies to communicate the science of adolescent development, this presentation lays out 5...


Framing for Change: Using communications science to build policy demand

Findings from a 3+ year research project on effective ways of communicating the science of adolescent development can help communicators better position ideas and create more effective messages...


Shifting mindsets for deep and sustained change

20 years of research on framing social issues can help inform and guide strategy and communications practice aimed at shifting culture to create change. This presentation focuses on three...


Driving Equity, Combating Disparities

This panel featured International experts on health equity. Discussion focused on innovative solutions that panelists are leading at the intersection of health equity and environmental justice.


Reframing adolescent wellbeing

Understanding the cultural mindsets that block progress on youth wellbeing and the framing strategies that can help shift them is a key part of creating the change advocates want to see. This...


Transforming Narratives in Partnership with Youth and Communities

Speaking on a panel, Nat provided an overview of FrameWorks research on adolescent and youth wellbeing and of the challenges and opportunities in using narratives to bring coalitions...


Framing public health in a complex and contested context

Communicating about what public health does and the value of this discipline has always been challenging, but has grown increasingly complicated over the last 4 years. This presentation lays out a...


Framing for Change: The Science of Effective Communication

Communicating effectively about public health is increasingly a complicated task. Understanding the mindsets that get in the way of engaging people in public health ideas and solutions is the...


Climate and Children’s Learning & Development Webinar

What are the mindsets that block--and facilitate--people's engagement with climate change as a children's issue? How can framing help us move this issue up the agenda, build support for...


Framing for change: how the science of communication can help you communicate science

The choices that we make in how we position our ideas can be the difference of cutting through and opening up space for people to consider new ideas, and having our messages rejected. Using...