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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 13 – 24 of 261


Shifting mindsets to build demand for policies that advance prevention

There are a set of cultural mindsets that impede the ability to those working in and beyond early childhood to advance prevention-based policy. And there are a set of emerging strategies that can...


Building demand for equity and prevention

The Centre for Community Child Health has been a leader in framing for in Australia since 2010. This presentation summarizes the Centre's work in shaping the public conversation about early...


Shifting mindsets to address disadvantage Framing to drive change for children and young people

Understanding the mindsets that shape how people think, feel and act when it comes to complex social issues is a necessary component of efforts to use communications to create social change. This...


Effectively framing early childhood issues

FrameWorks has been studying cultural mindsets and framing strategies on early childhood development for 25 years and in more than 10 countries. This presentation reviews what we have found...


Using communications opportunities to shift cultural mindsets

Over the 25 years that FrameWorks has been studying cultural mindsets and framing strategies on early childhood development we have assembled an evolving but overarching strategy that those...


Framing for Change: The science of effective communication

The science of framing has advanced a number of key recommendations around how to effectively frame ideas around the early years. This presentation lays out 5 key framing practices that can help...


Framing for Change

This presentation covers three core framing practices that those working on early childhood development can use to effectively position their messages to build public understanding of and support...


Shifting mindsets to better support child and family wellbeing

There are a set of core mindsets that hold back innovative and effective policies and programs on the early years. This presentation lays out these mindsets and provides a set of framing practices...


Shifting Mindsets to Make Change American mindsets on democracy

The Culture Change Project is yielding new findings on the underlying mindsets that shape how people think about democracy and the political systems. These findings can help in the design and...


Communicating for Change: Reframing youth mental health

The current public discourse around youth mental health activates a set of unproductive cultural mindsets. But there are also a set of framing strategies that can navigate these mindsets and...


Shifting mindsets to make change

The Culture Change Project is revealing a set of underlying cultural mindsets that are shaping how Americans think about democracy and the political system. These findings have implications for...


Framing for Change: Using communications science
to build policy demand

Understanding mindsets and using tested framing strategies can help us increase support for the policies and changes necessary to assure that all young people have what they need to be healthy and...