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FrameWorks maintains an active schedule of presentations, briefings, and workshops.

Showing 121 – 132 of 261


Frame to Campaign: Our social Care

The last of three sessions on framing social care with UKHCA.


Talking About Poverty in News and PR

The first of two advanced sessions on framing poverty with the JRF media and PR team.


CHAT Session 3 – Framing Homelessness

A workshop with organizations sponsoring Crisis, the homelessness charity.


Framing and Science Communication

Framing can be a valuable tool for those seeking to translate their science for policy makers and members of the general public. This session covers some of the key ideas from the science of...


Framing: The Secret Ingredient of Science Translation

Framing can be a powerful tool in translating science for a change. This presentation lays out four foundational ideas that can help scientists better use what they know to affect the world.


Unlocking Change: The Hidden Power of Frames to Make Change

Framing has the power to shift perspectives and open up new ways of thinking about issues. Learn about a set of evidence-based practices that can be used to advance systemic and structural change.


Five Ways to Talk About Homelessness

A workshop with the Royal Foundation on framing homelessness.


Framing Public Health Right, Now

The choices that public health professionals make in talking about their work are key in opening new ways for people to understand the field, what it does, and the value that it brings. This...


Reframing Poverty

Public understandings of poverty are shaped by a set of overarching narratives. Understanding these narratives is the first step in countering them. This presentation describes the dominant...


Unlocking Change: The Power of Frames to Shift Thinking

Negative narratives about young people are swirling and becoming more dominant in the current context of Covid and protests for racial justice. We need both to understand these narratives and to...


Change Our Story, Change the World (2)

A final workshop for the team at PPR.


Framing Hub and Collaborative Goals

Part 4 of our four-part series closed with a facilitated discussion to help participants identify goals and next steps for the Framing Hub and the broader Yale-Scholastic Collaborative.