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Imran Hussain

UK Board Director

Imran Hussain is Director of Policy & Campaigns at the UK children’s charity, Action for Children, where he leads the charity’s influencing activities. This has included child poverty, the care system and award-winning work on the Domestic Abuse Act. He is a member of the End Child Poverty coalition and was a member of the Fabian Society-Centre for Social Justice Early Years Commission.

He was previously Director of Policy, Rights & Advocacy at Child Poverty Action Group, where he had responsibility for advice services, strategic litigation, media and policy influencing.  Earlier roles have included leading high profile, successful campaigns on prisons, the breakthrough breast cancer drug Herceptin and the voucher system for asylum seekers. 

He is an experienced media spokesperson and has sat on several UK government advisory or working groups, including for the Home Office, DECC and the DWP.

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