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Showing 157 – 168 of 666


Reframing Childhood Adversity: Promoting Upstream Approaches

Preventing, identifying, and responding to early adversity is one of the most impactful things we can do to improve our nation’s health and wellbeing – but it can be difficult to build the...

External article

How do you secure democracy? With an infusion of fresh blood.

We shouldn't have to call out lawmakers like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for encouraging the murder of opponents — and yet here we are, writes Kendall-Taylor.

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Keep the ideas behind ‘defund the police,’ but forget the slogan

Police are essential to maintaining a civil and orderly democratic society but the system as a whole is — and historically has been — rife with racism and corruption. It urgently needs a...


Reframing Children’s Mental Health

Children’s mental health is the result of a complex set of influences, including environments and social conditions and the culture and public policies that shape them. Too often, however,...

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America Is Not As Divided As You Think. Yes, Really

Don't dismiss Joe Biden's message of unity as happy talk, write Shaun Adamec and Nat Kendall-Taylor. He's pursuing a governing philosophy designed to overcome the relentless stories we hear about...


Moving from Concern to Concrete Change: How to build support for more social housing

The most effective way to build public support for creating more social housing is to frame it as a way of tackling poverty.


Moving from Concern to Concrete Change: Research Methods Appendix

This supplement provides detailed information on the research that informs FrameWorks’ strategic memo on social housing.


The Impact of Strategic Framing on Early Childhood Advocacy Efforts in Colorado

This report highlights the decades-long effort to embed a framing strategy into collaborative efforts on behalf of children and families in Colorado.


Measuring Mindset Shifts and Evaluating Mindset Shift Efforts

Supplement to Mindset Shifts: What Are They? Why Do They Matter? How Do They Happen?


Reframing Adolescence and Adolescent Development

This toolkit is a resource for communicators who want to change the narrative about adolescence and adolescent development.

External article

Misunderstood: How Public Health’s Inability To Communicate Keeps Communities Unhealthy

It’s not that people are opposed to public health or indifferent to its outcomes, the difficulty is that people don’t know who does this work or how they do it.


Building Strong Brains in Tennessee

This impact brief traces the way that reframing has catalyzed better outcomes for children and families in Tennessee.