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Child and Adolescent Development

FrameWorks has the world’s largest body of framing research on children and adolescents. It is used around the world to create change.

This research provides an overarching framing strategy to effectively communicate about a wide range of issues that affect children and young people.

Certain assumptions about children, youth, and families come up again and again.

To communicate effectively, advocates need to be able to navigate these dominant beliefs.

The tested frames come from research on six continents and have pushed policy in progressive directions at local, state, national, and international levels. Join this global narrative shift effort by exploring these resources.

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Showing 25 – 36 of 200


Communicating About Young People at Risk of Educational Exclusion in England: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief

We need a new conversation that centres on the needs of young people at risk of exclusion. Changing the public conversation is crucial to create an environment in which politicians and educational...


Communicating About Vaccination in the United States: A FrameWorks Strategic Brief

A research partnership between the FrameWorks Institute and the American Academy of Pediatrics to understand attitudes and behaviors about vaccination and identify framing strategies that can...


Research Supplement for “Communicating About Vaccination in the United States”

This supplement provides detailed information on the research informing FrameWorks’ strategic brief on reframing vaccination in the United States. We outline the research conducted with...


How Are Advocates Talking about Children’s Issues? An Analysis of Field Communications

This is one of a set of three reports that map the landscape of current discourse and thinking.


Reframing Transition Age Foster Youth

Introduction The resources in this toolkit are designed to collectively build the understanding and support we need to change the narrative around transition age foster youth. Building public...


Why aren’t kids a policy priority? The cultural mindsets and attitudes that keep kids off the public agenda

This report focuses on American mindsets about kids and how these mindsets limit the effectiveness of advocacy messaging.


Advancing Wellbeing and Expanding Opportunities: Reframing Transition Age Foster Youth

The way we talk about transition age foster youth during matters tremendously. Practical, accessible tools about how we can frame these young people in a way that gets heard are available now.


Changing the Childhood Obesity Conversation to Improve Children’s Health

How we talk about child health and obesity matters. Growing evidence shows that where we live and what we earn shapes the options available to us in terms of food and activity.


Reframing Childhood Adversity: Promoting Upstream Approaches

Preventing, identifying, and responding to early adversity is one of the most impactful things we can do to improve our nation’s health and wellbeing – but it can be difficult to build the...


Reframing Children’s Mental Health

Children’s mental health is the result of a complex set of influences, including environments and social conditions and the culture and public policies that shape them. Too often, however,...


The Impact of Strategic Framing on Early Childhood Advocacy Efforts in Colorado

This report highlights the decades-long effort to embed a framing strategy into collaborative efforts on behalf of children and families in Colorado.


Reframing Adolescence and Adolescent Development

This toolkit is a resource for communicators who want to change the narrative about adolescence and adolescent development.