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Child and Adolescent Development

FrameWorks has the world’s largest body of framing research on children and adolescents. It is used around the world to create change.

This research provides an overarching framing strategy to effectively communicate about a wide range of issues that affect children and young people.

Certain assumptions about children, youth, and families come up again and again.

To communicate effectively, advocates need to be able to navigate these dominant beliefs.

The tested frames come from research on six continents and have pushed policy in progressive directions at local, state, national, and international levels. Join this global narrative shift effort by exploring these resources.

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Showing 13 – 24 of 200


Advancing Anti-Racist Education

How School Leaders Can Navigate the Moral Panic about “Critical Race Theory”


Journey to Success Campaign: Quick Messaging Guide

Six key messages and framing tips for each of the Journey to Success campaign's policy goals.


Advocating for Transition Age Foster Youth: Framing for the Journey to Success Campaign

Strategic brief on Framing for the Journey to Success Campaign


We Support Transgender Youth

A Statement and Framing Guidance

Frame Testing Recommendations

Framing Guidance: How to Communicate about Transgender Youth

Six strategies for communicating effectively about transgender youth.


Talking about child separation in Bulgaria

How we talk about child separation matters. This brief is a summary of three workshops run by FrameWorks UK in 2021-22. It explores how people working to end child separation can use framing to...


Communications Guidance: How to Talk about the Latest Research on Early Brain Development

Recommendations and strategies for framing the latest research


Communicating About Childhood Obesity at the Time of COVID

Building on our initial research on childhood obesity in 2018, this report explores how public thinking on childhood obesity has evolved in the context of the pandemic. In partnership with Impact...


Framing Racial Equity in Adolescence: Messaging Strategies for Social Change

This playbook is part of a broader effort to change how we think and talk about adolescence and adolescent development in America.


Framing Racial Equity in Adolescence: Messaging Recommendations for Advocates and Communicators

The purpose of this document is to equip advocates and communicators working in the youth space with more effective shared messaging that can build understanding, change attitudes, and raise...


How Are Children’s Issues Portrayed in the News? A Media Content Analysis

What is the role of the news media in influencing public thinking about children’s issues? And how can recognizing these media frames help us build engagement and increase support for the...


How to talk about child sexual abuse in the digital world: A FrameWorks UK brief prepared for WeProtect Global Alliance

A FrameWorks UK strategic brief outlines challenges for communicating about child sexual exploitation and abuse online and offers preliminary recommendations.