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Child and Adolescent Development

FrameWorks has the world’s largest body of framing research on children and adolescents. It is used around the world to create change.

This research provides an overarching framing strategy to effectively communicate about a wide range of issues that affect children and young people.

Certain assumptions about children, youth, and families come up again and again.

To communicate effectively, advocates need to be able to navigate these dominant beliefs.

The tested frames come from research on six continents and have pushed policy in progressive directions at local, state, national, and international levels. Join this global narrative shift effort by exploring these resources.

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Showing 193 – 200 of 200


Two Cognitive Obstacles to Preventing Child Abuse: The “Other-Mind” Mistake and the “Family Bubble”

A report on a series of cognitive interviews that identifies two common mistakes in thinking that the public makes about child abuse prevention, and recommendations on how to overcome them.


Developing Community Connections: Qualitative Research Regarding Framing Policies

A report of findings from focus groups designed to test the impact of four frames about child abuse and neglect: Child Abuse, Parenting, Child Development, and Community.


Discipline and Development: A Meta-Analysis of Public Perceptions of Parents, Parenting, Child Development and Child Abuse

A report reviewing PCA America’s research on child abuse, as well as existing, publicly available opinion research regarding parenting, child development, child abuse and discipline, and the...


Testing Metaphors for Key Concepts in Early Childhood Development

This study reports on the development and testing of explanatory metaphors that translate the science of early childhood development into language that is more accessible to the public and...


Simplifying Early Childhood Development: Findings from Cognitive Analysis and Phone Interviews

In the research reported on here, cognitive analysis of this general schema reveals several basic features which stand in the way of child advocates’ messaging.


Hearts Souls and Minds: An Analysis of Qualitative Research Regarding Communicating School Readiness and other Child Development Policies

This analysis is based upon qualitative research, specifically 12 focus groups. Focus groups are open-end, structured conversations among 8-10 people, typically lasting about 2 hours.


Promoting School Readiness and Early Child Development: Findings from Cognitive Elicitations

This report explains findings from research that investigated whether the concept of "school readiness," a frame widely promoted by advocates and experts, can be effective at engaging public...


Reframing Youth Issues For Public Consideration and Support

This report synthesizes our research findings and recommends strategies to communicate more effectively about youth.