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Child and Adolescent Development

FrameWorks has the world’s largest body of framing research on children and adolescents. It is used around the world to create change.

This research provides an overarching framing strategy to effectively communicate about a wide range of issues that affect children and young people.

Certain assumptions about children, youth, and families come up again and again.

To communicate effectively, advocates need to be able to navigate these dominant beliefs.

The tested frames come from research on six continents and have pushed policy in progressive directions at local, state, national, and international levels. Join this global narrative shift effort by exploring these resources.

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Showing 133 – 144 of 200


Missing Matter: Holes in the Media Narrative about Informal and Formal STEM Learning

This report analyzes how media coverage frames STEM learning, informal STEM learning, and related issues.

Frame Testing Recommendations

Viewpoint: Q&A with FrameWorks CEO Nathaniel Kendall-Taylor, PhD

What challenges do advocates face when communicating about substance abuse prevention, and how can they overcome these challenges?


Narrative Holes in STEM Storytelling: A Field Frame Analysis

The field of STEM learning advocacy is growing - but are we telling the full story? This study of organizational communications finds what we're leaving out.


Stuck in a Tale of Two Cities: Mapping the Gaps on Child Development and Well-Being in Jacksonville

This report maps the gaps between how experts talk and Jacksonville residents think about child development, well-being, and child rights.


“If You’ve Got a Good Harness on Your Kids…”: Models of Child Well-Being and Learning Among Jacksonville Residents

This report explores the cultural models that Jacksonville residents use to think and talk about children’s issues.


Plasticity’s Promise: Moving the Public Beyond the Container and Other Problematic Models

This report maps the gaps between how Americans think and experts talk about concepts of change over the life course, and brain change more specifically.


Cognitive Media Analysis of Disparities in the Education System

The way the media covers educational equity and the "achievement gap" shapes public thinking. How can we reframe?


Modernity, Morals, and More Information: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of Early Child Development in Australia

This report lays the groundwork for a larger effort to reframe the public conversation around early child development in Australia.


“You Have to Have the Basics Down Really Well”: Mapping the Gaps Between Expert and Public Understandings of STEM Learning

This report examines expert and public perspectives on STEM education and informal learning.


Talking about Toxic Stress

Explore these general guidelines and evidence-based best practices for communicating about development, stress, and resilience with disparately impacted individuals and communities.


Information is the Main Ingredient: Using Metaphor to Enhance Understanding of Digital Media and Learning

How can we talk about learning technology and distance learning in a way that frames students as owners of their learning? Metaphors can help.


The Resilience Scale: Using Metaphor to Communicate a Developmental Perspective on Resilience

How can we talk about resilience in a way that disrupts people's assumption that it's all about inner strength and just a matter of "bouncing back?"