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Changing the conversation on social issues.

FrameWorks collaborates with storytellers, organizations, and coalitions to shift mindsets, change systems, and create a more just world.

The Great Unrigging

Why are Americans so mad? In this new animated video, we begin to answer that question as we walk through the system is rigged mindset: what it is, where it comes from, and how we can speak to it in ways that pave the way for systemic change. This video was produced in collaboration with …

OUR issue areas

FrameWorks produces leading research and resources on Child Development, Health, Economic Justice, Government and Democracy, Racial Justice, Aging, and more.

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Key Initiative

Culture Change Project

The Culture Change Project is a multi-year investigation into American culture. Is it changing? Are our patterns in thinking shifting in the midst of so much social and political upheaval? How can cultural shifts inform how progressives communicate about important issues?

About Us

Get to Know FrameWorks

Our Approach

We study public mindsets and narratives about important social issues—and how to move them in ways that create a more just and equitable world.

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Our People

We are linguists, sociologists, political scientists, psychologists, anthropologists, narrative experts, cultural strategists, and communications professionals.

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Partner With Us

We work with our partners to explore complex social issues, solve framing challenges, and build more effective narratives that change systems for the better.

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